Thursday, February 4, 2010

Laura's Laws of Thrifty Cooking #4


Seriously. Do this. I just did it recently and it helps immensely. I don't wonder anymore if I have oregano hiding in the spice cupboard. I know. It makes planning meals so much easier and it saves a TON of money. I always hated cleaning out my freezer only to find food that would have been great a few months ago, if we had only eaten it. Aargh. Now I can sit down with my cookbooks, planner and inventory and come up with meals based on what we have, and what needs to get used up. Perfect. I don't need to hunt around in my cabinets or dig around in the freezer in order to make plans. It is all in front of me. I personally find a checkoff list to be the most helpful. I use graph paper and check things off as we use them - usually this means checking them off when I plan my menu so I don't have to worry about doing it all week.  Then, if I ended up not using something for some reason, next time I plan my menu, I just cross off the check mark (or use it for that week's menu).  This keeps my inventory up to date easily. An inventory makes grocery shopping a breeze too. I know exactly what I have run out of. I also use it for motivation. I have some weird things in my freezer that I don't know how to cook yet. Normally, I would not plan those things into my menu, both because I find them intimidating, and because I just wouldn't think about it. With an inventory though, they are are always in my line of sight, and once I cook them, they usually become regular and favorite items. Remember - THIS IS A PROCESS!  I still don't have all of my cupboards inventoried, and it will take me quite a while to do it.  Start with wherever you tend to waste the most food.  An inventory could quickly become one of your best money and time saving tools in the kitchen. Try it!

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